To invoice purchase orders delivered to VI and validated by our PMs, follow these steps:- Select the status Delivered/Accepted and possibly the period (status Delivered/Accepted is applied automatically 8 days after delivery date).
- Select the purchase order lines to invoice and provide your invoice number.
- Check that the total amount of the selected lines corresponds to the total amount excluding tax of your invoice.
- Attach your invoice file, then click Submit.
Payment by bank transfer is automatically set up and payment date is calculated according to the payment terms agreed upon.
Delivery date:
| Project | PO | Line | PO date | Status | Description | Delivery date | Qty | Unit price | Amount | Currency | Invoice # | Payment |
(Selected lines total amount =
Total Sent: 643.74 € | Total Delivered/Accepted: 0 € | Total To be paid: 0 € | Total Paid: 0 €
Your current payment terms: 45 days end of month on 25