To invoice purchase orders delivered to VI and validated by our PMs, follow these steps:
  1. Select the status Delivered/Accepted and possibly the period (status Delivered/Accepted is applied automatically 8 days after delivery date).
  2. Select the purchase order lines to invoice and provide your invoice number.
  3. Check that the total amount of the selected lines corresponds to the total amount excluding tax of your invoice.
  4. Attach your invoice file, then click Submit.

Payment by bank transfer is automatically set up and payment date is calculated according to the payment terms agreed upon.

Project:      Po:      Status:          Delivery date:   between      and  

 ProjectPOLinePO dateStatusDescriptionDelivery dateQtyUnit priceAmountCurrencyInvoice #Payment

(Selected lines total amount =  )

   |    Assign to selected lines the following invoice number:        |  Help

Invoice file (PDF, DOCx or XLSx):  

Total Sent: 643.74 €     |     Total Delivered/Accepted: 0 €     |     Total To be paid: 0 €     |     Total Paid: 0 €
Your current payment terms: 45 days end of month on 25